Last Year I made (with a little help) a beautiful baby boy named Asa. I finished him in May.
Now he is almost 8 months.
Our family has had a busy time since. Asa came to us May 20th and then May 30th we closed on a home. That next weekend we moved- with A LOT of help from friends. Then three weeks later we drove to MN for my brothers wedding. Our home is a 3 family so we came home from that trip and worked on getting 2 units cleaned, fixed, and rented. Our unit is the worst but I (we) have managed to get painted: Living room, Dinning room, Kitchen, Bathroom, and Baby Boy room.
The fixes to the house is never ending. Support beam, H2O heater, tenants heat and oil tanks... However it is all worth it to have a home for our little one. A place where we can paint, hang pictures, and make memories.
I often find myself wanting to do this though:
Now on to the crafty side of my life.
Front and back of twin size quilt. |
All pinned. |
Mom, these pins are shiny and I must have them. Also I'm helping, I swear it.
This quilt is for my cousin. She is a freshman in college and I believe that one must have a quilt that is destined for getting muddy on the quad, studying with, crying on, and drooling on when one finds that they have fallen asleep sitting up yet again. This will be my first "real" machine quilting. I am going to do a big zigzag lengthwise and then echo that left and right. We'll see how it turns out.
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