I received a bunch of random fabric from a Great Aunt when her daughter passed. It was nothing I was particularly interested in but my mother saw a visit from my brother as an excellent opportunity to unload this miss-match of stuff on me. I was none to please since I live in a 4 room apartment with no storage for piece work fabric. Regardless I have held onto it. I still need to pick and poke in it and throw away the fabrics that are gone by (stained, worn).
I have been seeing a lot of people making quilts specifically to use up there scraps. It inspired me to go through and find my inherited scraps and do the same.
My table laid out with all the scraps from one tote. |
Piecing together on 5" blocks. |
Pre trimmed. |
Pre trimmed underside. |
Trimmed pieces. |
There is quite a wide variety of fabrics in the pile and has made for a diverse selection of blocks.
I had to clean all this up so my husband and I could start on another project. Homemade butternut ravioli with mascarpone sauce! Yum. I forgot to take pics of the final product but here are some fun ones of use making them.
Dear Husband working on the filling and sauce. |
Getting the sheets rolled out. |
getting the right thickness on the sheets. |
Aprons are a must, especially when your prego belly keeps getting in the flour! |
As Always,
That's going to be a gorgeous scrap quilt! Scrappies really are my favorite, I think. :)